The City Crab Compendium

Welcome to the City Crabs Compendium, the definitive guide to these amazing creatures. Here, you’ll find meticulously documented entries on all the incredible species of City Crabs, each with their own unique adaptations and stories.

 Uncover the truth about these elusive creatures and explore their unbelievable abilities. With each entry, you’ll dive deeper into a world that has remained concealed for far too long. 

body and limbs converted key crab
Entry No.7 – Key Cracker

KeyCracker Compendium Entry #7 Introduction Every lost key, every mysteriously opened lock, every inexplicable security breach points to an the unsettling truth that mechanical security

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cable crab on table
Entry No.6 – Surge Seeker

SurgeSeeker Compendium Entry #6 Introduction The greatest technological conspiracy of our time lives within the very infrastructure of the Internet. After years of investigation, I

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